⊣ Bootstrap 5 - White background in dark mode, Why? ⊢
Upgrading from boostrap v5.0.3alpha to v5.3.0 broke my background color
⊣ Flatpak & KeePassXC - Fix browser integration ⊢
Don’t worry, is just a symlink
⊣ NixOS config error: 'does not represent an absolute path' ⊢
It’s all about Path types and String interpolation
⊣ NixOS KDE Plasma: fix some missing GTK icons ⊢
No icons on Inkscape
⊣ Ubuntu 20.04 - Tweaks from a KDE Plasma user. ⊢
Little tweaks for Ubuntu to make life easier from KDE Plasma user perspective
⊣ Zig - Error while loading shared libraries: ⊢
I found this problem trying to build a Zig program first time