A prepared text that may come from a note or a series of notes, an idea or experiences.
⊣ IntelliJIDEA live templates for Hugo title and slug ⊢
I was writing and a question comes to my mind: Can I automate the title and slug using live templates? TL;DR; YES!.
⊣ Java Swing - Change textField width, seems easy, right? ⊢
“Well yes, but actually no”
⊣ Ping to Google Cloud from Buenos Aires ⊢
I searched this information in Google without luck, and because are very specific I decided to get them by myself
⊣ The power of Kotlin Script API (main.kts) ⊢
Discovering an experimental gem and its capabilities
⊣ Using Android/Amazon Fire tablet as StreamDeck clone using Deckboard ⊢
I mimic the StreamDeck with an old device, at that point useless, Amazon Fire 8 tablet
⊣ Zig - Error while loading shared libraries: ⊢
I found this problem trying to build a Zig program first time