A prepared text that may come from a note or a series of notes, an idea or experiences.
⊣ Bootstrap 5 - White background in dark mode, Why? ⊢
Upgrading from boostrap v5.0.3alpha to v5.3.0 broke my background color
⊣ Configure HTML files in IntelliJIDEA to recognize HUGO's GO Templates ⊢
⊣ Dealing with Pipewire dynamic IDs ⊢
Configuring Deckboard I figure Pipewire IDs can change on reboot or suspend.
⊣ Fix Wuthering Waves error: Network Error. Please try again later ⊢
I just want to do my daily…
⊣ Hugo - Layout debugging ⊢
Do you want to see if a layout/partials are loaded?, in which order? Keep reading.
⊣ Hugo - Share front-matter vars within multi-lang page-bundle ⊢
Centralizing repeated values for different languages in one place