Fix Wuthering Waves error: Network Error. Please try again later

Written by Lyoneel on in gaming, troubleshooting
 2 mins

Fix Wuthering Waves error: Network Error. Please try again later

I just want to do my daily…


On windows my game unexpectedly closes (because of power shortage) in the middle of a loading screen, after that I cannot enter the game again. I figure it was a client-specific issue, because on the phone my account works just fine.

The error was:

Wuthering waves error - Tips - Network Error

Then I tried the following with no luck:

  • Repair game client
  • Reinstalled the game from scratch
  • No firewall issue: the game has network access (when I reinstalled the client downloads stuff in game)


Given the information that gave me all the things I tested, the problem has to be inside the user data. The best clue I found is I have never logged in again since I reinstalled. User data/authorization must be corrupted or broken.

Go to %AppData% and delete the following directories:



Where <your-user> is you actual Windows username.

Wuthering waves initial screen

When deletion is complete, open your launcher and launch the game. The game may re-download part of the updates, it will ask you to log in, and at this point the game should work correctly.

A humble suggestion

I think this is a really specific problem, I’m sure is very hard to replicate. If there is something devs can do if they are not doing it already: Is to do not write existing files directly to destination unless the full data is written on a temporary file, then temporary is copied in the final file, and temporary can be removed.

Thanks for reading!
